Thursday, February 24, 2011


Well we'll just keep up with the updates here and move on to Jeff...

Jeff has instigated Tuesday Topic Nights, and Thursday Science Nights. The kids LOVE them! Last Tuesday Jeff took out the black board and drew a kitchen sink. He talked to the kids about where water comes from, the basics of water pressure and how it comes out of the kitchen sink. He even showed them the water heater... the thought that it was soo cool.  Tonight he has a science project planned with vinegar though I don't know what it is.

Jeff is still ever so busy with school. He spends all day running around working on projects for other people, I worry that he isn't getting enough time on his own research, but one way or another it will all work out. His professor announced that he is taking a 4 year sabbatical starting in July....this will mean new and interesting changes namely two of the current PhD students will be graduating early, and then be running the lab as research professionals for the department. (hmmmm again new and interesting changes). It will be interesting to see how this works out.

Jeff is still in scouts serving as the Bear Leader. Last night was the Blue and Gold Banquet and we all went to support Jeff (and get out of making dinner, though we did bring a large side dish). I forgot how funny it is to watch 14 eight year olds perform a skit, even funnier when they forget the punch line. It was also fun to hear the various cheers after awards. He just finished his 3 months of lesson teaching so now he just has to attend and help keep things under control.

Jeff will be presenting a poster at a conference in March, so I am going to take Elise and fly down to Orlando with him. We are super excited to have my dad coming out to hang out with the two older kids. (They are sooo excited!)  He will also present another poster in Boston in June.

Jeff is absolutely amazing, I don't know how he gets so much done. Though I am aware of how hard he works because he is so tired by 9 pm!
I love you!

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