Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Yup he's sick again...sorry dad!

Well, we just got back and Ben is sickkkkk. Ehre is all better but Ben's ears look bad...that explains the whole "momma's boy" syndrom for the past week. So yeah Dad, hopefully you don't hate us after this week..... so if no one sees us for a while....A) Jeff and I are in NY B) Our kids are sick and we arent' sharing. ....sorry!

doom doom doom ........doom! eye is back. What does it take to cure this?! Poor Ben I can't figure this out at all! So I guess we'll be going back to the Dr. :(

Monday, March 3, 2008

German 101

MOST of you may wonder why I am posting this, but its something to show for all my hard work now that its mid semester. I can now write a few paragraphs about myself in German! Enjoy the reading!

Some of you may ask what our daily schedule is...well here it is:

Guten Morgens! Um sechs Uhr wache ich auf und lese das Buch Mormon mit meine Familie. Gegen sieben Uhr essen wir Früuhstuck. Wir singen Musik und spielen bis meinen Sohn schlafen geht. Mein Sohn heßt Benjamin. Er is ein Jahre alt. Meine Tochter heßt Ehre. Ehre und Ich lessen gern. Um Mittag essen wir . Benjamin und Ehre gehen um halb dreizehn Uhr schlafen. Ich machemeine Hausaufgaben. Mein Man ist Jeff. Er kommt nach Hause und nimmmt unsere kinder. Ich gehe an die Universität. Gegen achtzehn Uhr haben wir Abendessen. Meine kinder gehen um neunzehn Uhr schlafen. Mein Mann und Ich gehen um Zweiundzwanzig Uhr schlafen. Gute Nacht!

oh, did you have trouble understanding did I!

My Daily Schedule.: I wake up at 6 am and read the Book of Mormon with my family. At 7 we have breakfast. We sing songs and play until my son takes his first nap at 9. My son’s name is Benjamin. Benjamin sleeps and my daughter and I work on reading. My daughter is named Ehre. At noon, we have lunch. Benjamin and Ehre go to bed at 12:30 pm, and sleep till 2. I do my homework. I leave the house at 3:45 to go to Purdue. My husband is named Jeff. He comes home and watches the kids. I go to class. Dinner is at 6. My kids go to bed at 7. My husband and I get ready for bed at 9:30. We go to sleep at 10.

Ich spieled as clavier gern. Ich singe gern. Ich wandere gern. Ich speile basketball nicht gern. Ich spiele tennis nicht gern. Meine Tochter tanzt gern. Mein Mann singt gern. Mein Sohn schlaft gern.

What I like to do: I like to play the piano. I like to sing. I like to go hiking. I do not like to play basketball. I don’t like playing tennis. My daughter loves to dance. My husband likes to sing. My son likes to sleep.

Ich heiße Ann. Ich bin 24 Jahre alt. Ich bin verheiratet und habe zwei kinder. Mein Mann heißt Jeff. Er is 26 Jahre alt. Meine Tochter heißt Ehre. Sie is drei Jahre alt. Mein Sohn heißt Benjamin. Er ist ein Jahre alt. Wir wohnen im West Lafayette. Wir kommen aus Orem UT. Die Eltern meines Manns heißen Garren und Becky. Becky kommt aus California. Sie ist Möllig, Klein und Hübsch. Sie hat braune Augen und hat rot-braune Haare. Garren kommt aus Wisconsin. Er is groß, mollig und freundlich. Er hat braune Augen und graue Haare. Meine Eltern heißen Mark und Doreen. Doreen kommt aus Arizona. Sie hat braune Augen un Haare. Sie ist klein und attractive. Mark kommt aus Lybia, Africa. Er hat grüne Augen und graue Haare. Er ist sher groß. Meine Eltern und die Eltern meines Manns wohnen im Orem UT.

Tell me about your family and what they like to do: My name is Ann. I am 24 years old. I am married and have 2 children. My husband is named Jeff. He is 25 years old. My daughter is named Ehre. She is 3 years old. My son is named Benjamin. He is 1 year old. We live in West Lafayette IN. We come from Orem UT. My fathers parents are named Becky and Garren. Becky comes from California. She is short, has brown eyes and brown hair. Garren comes from Wisconsin. He is tall and fat. My parents are named Doreen and Mark. Doreen comes from Arizona and Mark comes from Lybia Africa. My mother is short and friendly. My father is very tall and big. My parents and Jeff’s parents live in Orem UT.


Myself and a friend have been emailing back and forth on the common theme that we are both ready for spring. To help me pass the time, I had Ehre help me with a craft project. We made this hat, bought some apple cider and delivered it with this card.... hmmmmm did we make a point here? Obvilusly not its raining today and really cold!

New York City

Well....ok we've not left yet but we are getting ready and so I'm officially reserving a huge spot on this blog, for a complete description of the wonderful time we are going to have! Stay tuned for a new post in a week!!!