Well, we survived watching 5 extra kids for two days. ..... survived is the wrong word. It was a pleasure watching the kids, each one was so helpful and happy. Jeff made his famous Bales, and we added a few new flavors. Dutch-Apple, Cinnamon-Sugar, and Blueberry (my favorite). We multiplied the batch by 6 and yet all of them were still gone by lunch!
Individuals that you may not recognize in the following pictures: Peterson Clan, Alice, Brad, Emily, Laura, Katrina, Rachel, James, Hannah and Chrsity.

This is Benjamin's favorite way to drink his bottle in the morning! Go figure.
Ehre was creatively playing with her blanket in the car...up until she fell asleep.

A cute goose family!

Beautiful Barn that we found!

Christy and a baby alligator!

..... 10 tries, and this was the best shot of all the kids "sitting" on the bench...see ya Ben!

It appears that this building has a problem with bees!

Getting ready to find a place to have lunch, but first we want to hike around a bit.

Our picnic spot!

What a silly little boy!

We DO NOT encourage this behavior, but lately Ben loves going down the slides all by himself, head first!

Hannah and
Ehre creeping closer and closer to the big goose.

Everyone had SO much fun jumping on the trap with Jeff,
after school each day they would all head out and wouldn't come back in for
atleast an hour.

Sometimes this is just the best place to put Benjamin, he loves the water and he holds still.

Ehre's new favorite cousin in the Peterson family. They did everything together!