OK Benjamin hasn't been sick that many days this year, but sometimes it feels like it. A few days ago I was surprised when Ben slept 14 hours one night, and then took a 2 hour morning nap and then a 2 1/2 hour afternoon nap...boy must be a growth spurt. I left the kids with Jeff while I went to class and Jeff surprised me when I came back, with a little boy who had just woken up from a 1/2 hour nap.... what??? Jeff had to stay at school, so I came home with the kiddos. We had dinner, and I was feeding Ben when I realized that his head was HOT. 103.4' to be exact...hmmm this is why he's been sleeping. We gave him some Tylenol... and then put him to bed.
The next morning he still had a high fever. The only way I could keep it down was with medication. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with this little guys. We just had our 2 week check up from the last ear infection, and the Dr. said that his ears were still a little pink but almost all better....was the ear infection not really gone?
My amazing friend Tamri, came over to watch Ehre while I ran Ben to the clinic. Nope no ear infection, but his throat was RED. Strep? Fast culture said no, but they wanted to grow a culture just to be safe... in the mean time he is on another antibiotic. Poor Guy. He's just fussy during the day, and loves to be held. I have to say that today has been better than the last two days, but I sure wish he was better.
So I've included a grumpy/sad picture, and then one of us last night. He just wanted to be held, and he couldn't sleep long, he kept on tossing and turning. During dinner he started shivering really bad, so we gave him a warm bath, and he still shivered. I bundled him up and held him for a for a few hours, this is us watching a movie with Jeff.... good thing its been cold outside, I can't get too frustrated with having sick kids when I can't go outside and play.
It is so sad when kids are sick, but I have to admit, I LOVE to cuddle with them!
Poor Benjamin. He has had the worst winter. I don't think Mary has ever been that sick. You look great in the picture btw. Hope you enjoyed the movie.
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