Sunday, March 30, 2008

...all before church...

Well, its fast Sunday. We forgot that we don't have ward choir practice on these Sundays so we got up early. We had the kids fed and almost ready for church by 9. Then Jeff and I worked on getting ourselves ready so that we could leave at 10:15.
Jeff was dressing Ben and I was finishing makeup when we heard a crash in the downstairs bathroom. Ehre came out crying, she and fallen while washing her hands... Jeff held her and got her to stop crying but when he pulled her away, he realized that her back was covered in blood....well that's what happens when you hit your head hard. Apparently she was using the towel rack to climb up to the counter. The bar broke in half and sent her falling, the back of her head hit the corner of the counter and her forehead hit the toilet. :( Poor girl. We took her into the doctor, and they took a look at the cut. Yes it could use a couple of stitches but because of the location, we could choose whether or not we would actually have them placed. I asked the Doctor if Ehre was his daughter what he would do...he said that because it was in the hair, he would let it heal on its own. This would make things easier on us as parents as well since, she wouldn't be traumatized from stitches, and have the extra care of keeping them protected. So we opted to not have stitches put in. We came home and though we still had enough time to get to church, Ben was ready for a nap and Ehre was an official grump so we stayed home. Go figure, the Sunday that we actually would have made it to Choir on time, something like this happened. Oh well that's life.

1 comment:

Gardner Grafix said...

You guys so deserve a healthy and safe rest of the year. We pray that is the case. We miss you guys. What are your plans for May?