Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mouse Trap you remember this game?.... My little sister Christy got this as a Christmas gift a long time ago, and well I've not seen it since. But we found it a few months ago, and tonight we cracked it open with some friends. IT was a blast! The treat for the evening was SMORES....cooked in the kitchen over the stove! What a fun evening!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was in class the other day and Mr. Gilchrist got to talking about someone named Amber, then he said that Amber was one of your friends (I was unable to talk, I had just gotten my wisdom teeth out the previous day). He said that he received an email from Amber and found her blog site and that it had a link to yours. So he said that he spent some time looking at your site and thought that it was amazing that you had two kids and it seemed that he had only taught you a few years ago. So here I am, relating the story to you like I told him I would do (With a nod of my head). Cool updates!
- "The Miah"