Friday, May 18, 2012

Goal for Year #29

In the past 8 years I've gone but from (total honesty here) 165-230 lbs.  I really want to change that so when I was invited to join a workout group I jumped on it. We have a good coach and each of us are doing this from home.

I have a goal that by next year at this time when I am turning 30 to be in much better shape. So we star on Monday the 21 and end Aug 21....this wont be easy.

1. Work out 5-6 days a week.  3 of these workouts being Insanity.

2. Eat 1700 cal a day and lots of H2O. Eating every 2-3 hours.

3. Blog on our groups page often.

4. Record everything on

5. Wake up at 5:45, Bed at 10

Wish me luck,  ask how its going. I hope by honestly bogging about this I will feel more accountable.

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