Thursday, June 12, 2008

Whats new?

(Happy Hallow Pool)
Well we're now on 3 consistent day of working out daily and eating healthy...doesn't sound like much but it sure feels like it. 40 minutes of exercise/day with kids, including a 5 mile bike ride, allows me to sleep really well at night. :)

Today's workout went well, sweat still dripped, and the kids really though it would be fun to "help" mommy exercise! All goes well till I get on the floor to do that portion of the workout and then they come running! I had a good experience today, Ehre and Ben have amazing pediatricians. They are a husband/wife combo that work with Medicaid. I love them because they are so nice and have kids of their own. Anyways their daughter is in Ehre's swim lesson so I see Mrs. Dr. Livermore at the pool each day. She See's me biking up the hill everyday to lessons, and its motivating her and her family to get more active! And she's the Dr!!! It was great motivation to hear this!

Jeff and I are preparing to get back on the "word of wisdom" diet.... normally known as Eat to Live. We are going to start by just making it our dinner meal. Its actually difficult to eat lots of veggies when your so used to eating carbs all the time (even healthy carbs) so we'll start there and hopefully by Aug we'll be on the track eating healthy all the time. We are really encouraging anyone to do this with us especially both of our parents. So hopefully we won't be the only ones doing this! Eating Healthy never "killed" anyone! :)Well happy work outs to all, and have a great day!

SO that's it nothing really new, we want to "try" camping again this weekend but tomorrow its supposed to rain.... so plans are still "up in the air". Hopefully we can at least go hiking on Saturday.

Miss you all!

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