Friday, April 18, 2008

Well we were woken up by an earthquake this morning. Ann was in the kids room, Ben had a rough night. When the bed started shaking, she told Ehere it was too early to play and to go back to bed...until she realized that it wasn't Ehre! both kids were awake. It was at 5:30 am and measured at a 5.4. The epicenter was in southern Illinois. Its the biggest one they've had in 40 years, but at that time it measured pretty big for this area. So now that we've had tornado warnings, an earthquake, whats next....I think our chances of a hurricane are pretty slim, so I am betting on a flood, fire and hail, or one of the plagues. :)

Who all felt it? They said that it could be felt in 22 states!

Maas Family!

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