Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Pink Eye

Have you ever wondered what Pink eye looks like? From experience I have learned that if your child wakes up looking like this...... Pink eye would be the correct diagnosis. (WARNING: This picture is not pretty)

Imagine the horror I felt finding this in Ben's Bed...What happened to my son?

15 minutes of clean up....

My not so happy guy, but hey he can breath and see again!

I can though happily report that Ehre and Ben are both feeling better. I am assuming that their ear infections are curred, and the pink eye is gone, becuase they are my happy children again!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh my gosh. I have had pink eye before, but never had to see it on someone else with a clear view. Poor guy!!! I am glad that your kids are feeling better!!! Hopefully they won't get it for a LONG time!! (if they have the misfourtune of getting it again!) Talk to you later.