Monday, June 18, 2007

FireFlies & Rain Showers

Sorry, I didn't get a picture of the fireflies, it was too difficult, but we had a whole bunch in our back yard a few nights ago and they were SO cool! They don't stay lit up long, they just flash a light and then fly around some more. We looked them up on the internet and supposedly they are quite common in Indiana, so much that at one time they were considering making it the state bug. So next time you are out here go outside and maybe you'll see them too.

As far as rainstorms go, they are more like "flash- rain storms" they come and go really quickly and you get a lot of rain. Sundays was awesome because it was like a wall of rain. Jeff ran out for 10 seconds and got soaked through! Christy and Leif know what we are talking about they got to walk in one of these with us, when they were out here. They are really cool!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Fireflies are cool. Dan said we saw some this week when he was out running, though I have yet to see them.