...is when a bus driver lets my 6 year old off on any stop....after skipping her own! This has happened twice now in the past week, where the bus driver (yes she is new..but still!) has skipped our bus stop. Then has allowed Ehre to get off with a friend, with out a permission note from me. I'm not upset with Ehre, she knows the friend from church and we are good friends with their family. Her friend told Ehre that she would walk her home and there they could call me..but still the bus driver let her go??? Without a note from me??? I am not to happy. I called the school looking for Ehre when she was 20 minutes late. ( I waited so long because last Friday, I was worried that her stop had been skipped and was told that she was on the bus but the bus was running 15 minutes late) The school didn't know where she was either. Then my friend called to say that she had her. I called the school back, they probably didn't appreciate me being up set, but they were kind. They are going to straighten this out. I'm not sure what Ehre would do if for any reason she didn't have a close friend on the bus.
So dear bus driver, I'll forgive you for the first time....but I don't know what your problem is now that this has happened twice! (Ok I'll forgive you again...but don't let this happen again!) My last question is....is this happening to anyone else on our bus route?
So there is my rant for the day...this better not happen again.
Ehre gets the good side of this mishap, Ben and Elise are both sound asleep, so my wonderful friend is going to let her stay for a short play date. :)
I would find the number to bus depot and call them too. You need to make sure they know from YOU how upset you are and your concerns, etc. It isn't appropriate to require rules for safety and then not follow them!! You make yourself heard! I am glad that Ehre is safe and that she gets to have a little bit of fun. Good luck, and let us know what happens!
Alas it did happen again. You need to talk the the bus driver directly! Unacceptable!!!
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