Thursday, April 24, 2008


So for a while I've ho-hummed about what to do with my blog. As some of you have noticed, its changed several times but I finally think I found the one that I'll stick with. Shelly, a friend from HS makes beautiful backgrounds. You can get the for FREE Too! Here is her link, she also makes really cute Headers for $10 and a custom "scrapbook" look header AND background for $15. This is a talent that I don't have but she includes easy instructions on how to use so me of her free backgrounds. Check it out, there is a style for everyone!

Shelly's Blog:

Plus all of you know how much I support stay at home moms, especially those that use their talents to generate a little $! So even if you don't want to change your blog check her site out its cute!


Shel said...

Thanks for the shout out! If you want to send me your e-mail I can send you some header samples, that's strange that you can't see them, maybe I shouldn't do it in the slideshow mode. Thanks for letting me know :)

Derrick said...

Great new format--it looks fantastic.